Are you looking for information on how to do a Scion XB tire pressure light reset?
Perhaps you are wondering if your tire pressure sensor is failing or starting to show problems. In this case, a reset may be one of the things you can do to address this issue.
Now, there are many other reasons why your tire pressure light may switch on. Depending on the cause, it is important to address the problem based on what the actual cause is.
So today, we will discuss why your tire pressure monitoring system light turns on, whether you should be concerned or not, and how to do a reset when need be. Let’s get started.

Should You Do A Scion XB Tire Pressure Light Reset?
First, it is essential to understand what your tire pressure monitoring system is. The TPMS light turns on to alert you whenever you have a low tire pressure. If this is the case, it means driving may be unsafe considering your tire’s pressure. Additionally, an illuminated TPMS light means that you have underinflated tires, which can result in premature wear and potential failure of your tires.
Therefore, you need to have a better understanding of how important proper tire inflation is. Your TPMS can help in preventing a risky driving situation. So, doing a Scion XB tire pressure light reset may not be needed at this point. You first need to check if the system is indeed problematic before considering doing a reset.
As we have mentioned, both underinflation and overinflation can be dangerous for your tire. Too much pressure can reduce traction and increase wear while causing an inability to absorb the road impact. You can tell if the tires are overinflated by checking the tread’s center, which will present premature wear.
But if your tires are underinflated, the tire’s response is usually sluggish. Fuel economy is also impacted, as well as tire overload and too much heat build up. Both sides on your tire’s tread edges will have premature wear when it is underinflated.
With that being said, you need to study carefully your tire pressure monitoring system. Find out if it is reading correctly by checking the actual status of your tires.
Common Tire Pressure Light Issues
When you notice that the TPMS light turns on, the first thing you need to do is to check the tire pressure using a gauge. If the pressure is low, add air until it reaches the specified level set by your manufacturer. But be mindful of the fact that your TPMS will not replace your tire pressure routine maintenance.
The TPMS is helpful in letting you know right away when you have a low pressure on your tire. However, your tire may have already dropped lower than the normal inflation even before your tire pressure light comes on. So, it is good to determine if it is the light that has a problem, which in this case may need a reset.
1. TMPS light turns on while driving
If you see that light is on – and it remains on – as you drive, this means that one or a few of your tires have low pressure. Be sure to inspect the tires using a gauge and identify the possible reason behind pressure loss. Add air or you may also need to have the tire serviced whenever necessary.
2. The light goes on and off.
When the tire pressure is close to the level that usually triggers the TPMS to alert you, there is a fluctuation in the temperature that causes the light to switch on and off. This happens when the pressure goes down overnight because of a change in the ambient temperature. But it may eventually turn off once the pressure goes a little higher at day time because of the heat your vehicle generates. Make it a point to use your gauge to determine all of your tires’ pressure and add air when it is low.
3. The light stays on.
Your Scion XB tire pressure light may stay on when the tire is leaking air, or you have a malfunctioning tire pressure monitoring system, or when your wheel is unable to hold air. In most cases, the light stays on in the case of tire leaking air, which happens 40 percent of the time. But it could also mean that you have a faulty TPMS, which occurs 15 percent of the time.
If the tire pressure monitoring system is faulty, then you may need to check which part is not working right. It could be the sensor, which means it now fails to report the wrong tire pressure. Thus, you need to replace this component, which can cost about $200 to $258.
But in the case of a wheel problem, you may have to replace your wheels as a problem causes the light to turn on. It could be that there is imbalance in the tire, or there are improper bolts or wheel nuts that result in popping and creaking noises. These are symptoms that should not be ignored because of the safety risks linked in them. Usually wheel replacement can cost you $700 or more.
Now, if you need to do a Scion XB tire pressure light reset for whatever reason, it is usually needed when the light appears in certain model years of the XB from 2007 to 2015. Here are the steps you need to take to do a reset:
1. Stop your car and turn the engine off.
2. Check the tire placard and make adjustments to the cold tire pressure. Do this in all of your tires.
3. Turn the ignition on but do not start your engine.
4. Search for the TPMS reset button. Press this button until you see that the indicator slowly blinks thrice.
5. Wait for a couple of minutes with your engine in the on position. This allows your system to record the tire pressure. Turn your engine off, and it’s all done.
Read More: Causes And Fixes For The Scion TC Tire Pressure Light Blinking
There you have it – the reasons why your TPMS light turns on, blinks, or stays on. It is important to understand the actual cause before you do a scion XB tire pressure light reset. By doing so, you can ensure the correct solution to your problems and avoid any safety issues on the road.