Causes And Fixes For Remote Features Disabled To Preserve Battery

You may have noticed a message on your vehicle that states: Remote features disabled to preserve battery.

This can be a nuisance, especially if there is no reason to preserve the battery considering the conditions you are in. However, this does happen, and you may have no idea what to do about it. 

If this is the situation you are in, keep reading to find out what other users say about it and whether you should be concerned or not. Let’s get started.

remote features disabled to preserve battery

Remote Features Disabled To Preserve Battery

Some owners report reading a message on their FordPass quite a few times. For example, one time was while they had their battery charging on their 5-amp battery tender. The message that appeared was remote features disabled to preserve battery. Obviously the battery is not low as it was currently charging. So, they are confused why this is happening.

Additionally, there were no starting issues experienced. This is why it has been a confusing situation. One owner claims that they received their message first when the truck was at 350 miles. So, they simply connected their battery tender to keep the power going.

Then, another message showed up at 750 miles. It also charged overnight using a battery tender. The next time the message appeared was at 1200 miles. This was after a 2-hour drive and then the battery tender was still connected. The message recurred after connecting the truck to a battery tender for up to 6 hours and at the same time, the normal voltage was attained.

This brings us to this important question as to why the message keeps popping up even with a normal voltage for the battery and still attached to the charger. So, this may leave you wondering if this is a valid message or simply a software bug.

Now, there have been some people who have stopped using FordPass, which is why they do not even notice this message. There are those who quit using a tender to check if this eliminates the problem. 

The tender comes with a software and processor, and there is a possibility for a software bug to be present. Therefore, it causes a glitch to the voltage. In case the issue recurs without a tender, then it may be worthwhile to take it in since you would want reliability more than anything. This is particularly true when you are doing a lot of backcountry driving with a cell range not accessible.

It is also worth checking how you are connecting your battery charger. Do you connect it directly to your negative and positive terminals? If so, then your battery current sensor is unable to see your current flow. This is why even if you charge it for many hours, it is only able to see the current drawn and not the one coming in. 

You may also consider connecting your charger to your positive battery terminal while the negative is on the chassis ground or engine. But if you keep noticing the message, then the state of charge of your battery may have to be reset.

Some folks encounter this issue constantly. More often than not, it is because of a low battery charge. After doing the tips above, this finally resolved the problem. 

Additional Points To Consider

In the manual, it states that you need to put your battery tender’s negative cable to the body ground or the frame – instead of your negative terminal. Otherwise, you may experience issues with your battery management sensor. 

It may also be worth trying to disconnect your battery as you install some lights. This often requires resetting your battery management system. In addition, you may want to avoid installing any of your accessories straight to the battery’s negative terminal. The manual usually states that this can impact your battery sensor.

After experiencing this problem for a while, you may want to inspect the battery voltage as you drive. Trucks often have a variable output alternator. But if it does not kick the alternator on as required, you may want to reset to get the optimal voltage. It is possible that the system is unable to connect on your alternator to keep your battery charged as you drive.

There were also owners that report having to reset their sensor and then letting their vehicle sit locked for more than 8 hours. This is recommended in the manual, as this enables a full calibration of the system. It is a practical technique that works as there are plenty of sensors in the new technology in your truck.

So, after resetting the battery sensor and letting the truck rest, the battery is able to reach 13.5 volts, considering it was down to 12 volts prior to that.

While you charge your battery, be sure not to use your negative battery lead for whatever purpose. As an alternative, you can rely on your chassis ground as there are more chassis ground connections within your engine compartment.

Read More: Car Battery Is Not Holding Charge? Cause & Fix

Final Word

When you notice the message remote features disabled to preserve battery, it helps to do something about it. You can check your manual to determine what your manufacturer recommends. Or, you can also apply the tips we have shared above to ensure the proper voltage of your battery and the right amount of power it gets.

We hope this post has been helpful in addressing this issue, so you can experience a seamless driving experience and eliminate this concern with your battery.

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