ICS Malfunction Toyota Camry 2018 Issues – Causes And Fixes

An ICS malfunction Toyota Camry 2018 problem can be concerning.

After all, you rely on the ICS as a protection from crashing into obstructions when you drive at a low speed. But over time, problems with your Toyota Camry may arise such as the ICS. This usually happens when you have a faulty wiring harness, as well as some damage to your sensors. Plus, the sensors may have been waterlogged, which can also cause issues.

With all these things in mind, let us look into other causes of the ICS malfunction problem and what you can do about it. 

ics malfunction toyota camry 2018

ICS Malfunction Toyota Camry 2018 – Causes You Need To Know

The ICS (Intelligent Clearance Sonar) system, a highly beneficial feature found in Toyota vehicles. It plays a crucial role in assisting drivers to keep them safe. However, when this system encounters a malfunction, you need to make it a priority to get the issue checked and resolved by a specialist.

When an ICS malfunction occurs, a warning sign illuminates on the dashboard. A blinking text box shows up with this message:

“An issue has been detected in the intelligent clearance sonar system. It is advised not to rely on this system. Please contact your Toyota dealer to arrange an inspection of your vehicle.”

ICS malfunctions commonly arise in several Toyota and Lexus models, including the Prius and Camry, to name a few.

There are three common causes of this ICS malfunction such as the following:

1. Damage to the Wiring Harness

The wiring harness, responsible for transmitting electrical signals throughout the vehicle and engine, can sustain damage. When this occurs, it disrupts communication between the computer and sensors, leading to an ICS system malfunction. However, a damaged wiring harness doesn’t solely affect the ICS system; it can result in a range of other electrical issues within the vehicle.

2. Faulty sensors: 

Like any computerized system, the ICS system isn’t flawless and may struggle to detect some obstructions. This is particularly true when the vehicle is moving at high speeds, rendering it difficult for the sensor to promptly identify obstacles. Unfortunately, this increases the likelihood of a low-speed collision, ultimately damaging the sensor itself.

3. Water Leakage Around the Sensors: 

While direct impact with an obstacle is one way to impair a sensor, water leakage poses an additional risk. Sensors are incredibly delicate and can easily become waterlogged if not properly cared for. There were a fewToyota owners that have encountered sensor failures after visiting automatic car washes that utilize high-pressure hoses, as the excessive water pressure can cause water to penetrate the sensors and disrupt their functionality.

Being aware of these potential causes of ICS system malfunctions can help Toyota owners maintain their vehicles and take proactive measures to prevent or address such issues promptly.

How To Fix ICS Malfunction In Toyota Camry 2018

Addressing the issues that trigger ICS system malfunctions can be efficiently handled by a certified Toyota mechanic. However, the extent of the repairs required may result in costs ranging from several hundred to thousands of dollars, depending on the specific problem.

1. Faulty wiring harness 

If the wiring harness incurs damage, the wires and terminals within it may be replaceable, contingent on the severity of the impairment. However, extensive damage may necessitate a complete replacement of the wiring harness. It is important to consider the costs involved and obtain a comprehensive estimate for both repair and replacement options. In some cases, repairing the wires and terminals can prove more costly than opting for a full replacement.

2. Sensor issue caused by impact

In the event of a low-impact collision or a fender bender, it is possible to inadvertently strike one of the sensors, resulting in damage. When a sensor becomes impaired, the recommended course of action is to replace it entirely. However, replacing a single sensor can be quite expensive, with costs typically ranging from $150 to $650.

3. Waterlogged Sensors

Similar to sensor damage caused by low-speed collisions, sensors that have been exposed to water necessitate replacement. It is important to note that determining whether the sensor damage originated from external water exposure or internal fluid leakage is challenging for a mechanic. Consequently, any other affected components, such as fuses and wires, will also require replacement due to water damage.

By understanding the underlying causes of ICS system malfunctions and seeking professional assistance, Toyota owners can navigate the necessary repairs effectively while considering the associated costs.

How to reset an ICS system

Once you have figured out the issue that is causing the system to malfunction, you can fix it as soon as possible.

But after repairing the ICS system, you will need to reset the system along with its sensors. You can ask the mechanic to do that for you or you can do it yourself.

When you have gotten your ICS system fixed, you may need to reset it or turn it off.  To reset or turn off the ICS (Intelligent Clearance Sonar) system, follow these simple instructions:

1. Locate the directional buttons with an okay button in the middle on the steering wheel. Press the down button.

2. The dashboard display will bring up either the Eco setting or the driving support system. 

3. Continuously press the down button until you reach the settings menu.

4. Once you have accessed the settings, press the right button until you reach the ICS on/off setting.

5. The ICS system is currently turned on. Highlight the corresponding symbol and press the okay button.

6. The screen will change, prompting you with a message asking if you would like to turn off the ICS. Press the up button to highlight “YES” and press okay. When the ICS system is successfully turned off, a small orange symbol will indicate its status.

7. At this point, you can turn off the car. Once the engine has cooled down, proceed to turn the car back on, and then reactivate the ICS system by following the initial steps in reverse.

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Wrap Up

Should you encounter any issues with the ICS system, it is typically due to sensor or wiring harness damage. Replacing a damaged sensor can incur costs ranging from $150 to $650. After addressing the underlying problem, it is advisable to reset the ICS system by toggling it off and on again, using the provided instructions.

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