Is your car producing creaking noise when braking at low speed?
While driving your vehicle, you might hear a strange voice while braking at a low speed. If you are not a well-experienced driver, you might not get worried about that noise.
But if you are a new driver, this might concern you. For that, you need to know the reasons behind that noise.
There is absolutely no need to panic at all as these kind of problems often arise in cars and if you a regular driver, you know what I am saying.
Now lets get back to the topic,
What are the reasons behind that noise?
Most of the time, you can find noise due to brake pads. The noise might be due to the calipers when driving your vehicles. In many of the vehicles, you might hear noise due to rotors. It is due to the dirt which creates problems, and your vehicle starts making noise while driving.
There are a few other reasons that are explained below.
Major Reasons behind the creaking noise when braking:
1. Brake Pads are Broken Sometimes:

One of the main reason why many cars produce creaking noise while you apply brakes is because their brake pads are either broken or damaged.
If you are an experienced driver you must know this but in case you are a beginner, let me tell you that braking pads normally last for 20,000 to 70,000 miles so when you exceed this limit, do get your brake pads replaced or atleast get them checked.
- Braking pads are made up of graphite and hard iron, due to which they don’t have too much resistance, and at any instance, pads are broken down.
- While braking, the metallic part of the brake pads wear and consume after some time, and its cover touches the rotor, which creates noise.
- Most of the time, the process mentioned above breaks many other brake parts of your vehicle, creating noise when braking at low speed.
2. Use of Low-Quality Brake Pads or Brake Shoes:
It has also been found that a few of the vehicle owners try to save money and install low-quality brake pads due to low rates. These low quality brake pads will create noise when braking at low speed in the following ways:
- Due to breaking of any part of brake show may cause noise which is a common practice.
- You can find many manufacturing accuracy or faults in the low-quality brake shoes, which create various problems, including making noise when braking at low speed.
- Due to faults and measuring while manufacturing brake pads, the working of pads is also affected.
3. Breaking Down of Brake Pads:
One of the major reasons behind that noise is the breaking of the rotor disk of the brake shoes or braking pads:
- There are many causes behind the breaking of rotor cover, which might be due to the 2 of the above reasons discussed in detail.
- One of the typical and common reasons behind the damaging rotor cover is washing it without cooling it when it is cool.
- If it is not broken, it will start vibrations, only deflecting any side.
- If it breaks due to the given reason, it will start creating noise when braking at a low speed.
4. One of the Common Factors behind that is Less Lubrication:
It is a common point that all of the drivers are well aware of brake oil or not using lubricating items. It has been observed that people who don’t care about their vehicles most of the time find that they don’t care about lubricating oils and brake oil even though they are not aware of the engine oil and condition of the engine oil. Most of the time results in creating noise when braking at low speed. Following are the points which cause noise due to non-lubrication:
- Most of the time, due to the shortage or non-availability of lubricating oil like brake oil, you can find sudden strange voices that result in noise when braking at a low speed.
- The sudden noises in your vehicle are also found due to the non-lubrication of nut-bolts, screws, and other elements related to it.
- It happens due to no maintenance for many weeks, most of the time while traveling for a long time.
5. Availability of Hard elements in Between Brake Pads and Rotor Cover or Rotor:
Another major reason why many car owners face such problems is because they have been driving for long time without any maintainence that makes the car rusty and creates problems.
- You will find this kind of noise in those vehicles which are moving on the roads for so long in dusty areas like in the rural area, which create hard, dusty elements into the brake pads which sometimes affect rotor cover or the brake pads and a sudden Noise when braking at low speed.
- Another important point is that you can find this kind of situation in your vehicles if you are moving on the roads near muddy areas. Therefore, you can say that while driving into the muddy roads, the hard elements made up of mud can be found in the brake pads or near to rotor disk. Those muddy elements may damage both brake pads and the rotor disk.
We can say that a driver has to be careful in all the above 5 cases to avoid noise and other damages. For that, you have to be careful related to your vehicle’s service and maintenance. A vehicle without maintenance is going towards a damaging position, which will always be risky for both the driver and vehicles. Therefore, avoid this kind of unacceptable practice and keep an eye on your car’s maintenance as well.