Can A Mechanic Keep Your Car If It’s Unsafe? Detailed Answer

While using a car, you must have taken your car to the local repair unit several times. At this point, you can know what the problem is with the car and how much it costs.

However, if the problem of the car is too big, can a mechanic keep your car if it’s unsafe? No. of course. There is only one situation where a gas mechanic has the right to keep your car. That issue will be detailed in the following article.

Can A Mechanic Keep Your Car If It's Unsafe

Can A Mechanic Keep Your Car If It’s Unsafe?

You can ask a mechanic free and you will not have to pay any visitation fees. Also, no law requires you to leave your car behind after asking or for most reasons coming from a mechanic.

For example, when you take your car in for an oil change, the mechanic discovers that the car needs brake maintenance. He can test drive it and give you the actual condition of the brakes. At the same time, they will warn you of danger if the brake system is left on for a long time.

On the other hand, mechanics are not legally entitled to require you to have repairs done at their unit after the mechanic has identified the problem for the customer. You can choose any repair unit you feel is most suitable. If the mechanic refuses to return the car, you can sue the state for ownership of personal property.

What if the mechanic makes repairs without your permission?

The mechanic will not have the right to keep your car. No matter what state you live in, you don’t need to pay for illegal car repairs. If this happens, it is an ample warning.

While a mechanic won’t be able to force you to have your car repaired before you can claim it, they will ask you to sign the license before you drive away. Let’s say when you have a brake problem and you still decide to go away. After a short time, you had an accident due to the brake system, and you sued the previous mechanic.

To prevent the mechanic from encountering this situation, they must ask you to sign the driving license document. The text revolves around the topic: “Your car is having a brake problem, the mechanic has warned the customer of danger but you do not agree to repair.”

What should you do if the mechanic refuses to drop your car?

You have the right to choose good mechanics near me or not. It is up to you to decide what parts the mechanic will repair for the car. Only when you agree will they begin to improve, and you do not need to call to confirm the drive.

When you return to pick up the car, if the mechanic says your bill is twice as high as the amount previously announced, what should you do in this case? Can you get your car back? You will only be able to get it if you pay the required amount.

In addition to your regular bill, you will likely have to pay forfeitures on a daily basis. It is the cost you pay for parking your car every day.

Therefore, to minimize this situation from happening, you only need to pay your bill amount. When you check your bill and discover expenses that are out of your reach, agree to pay only for the problems you previously agreed to repair. 

You are completely free to do this and do not need to worry about the mechanic intentionally keeping your car.

The burden of responsibility

The burden of responsibility

The burden of responsibility of the mechanic is enormous. They can be affected if their client has an accident. Therefore, a mandatory condition is that when customers drive away, they must sign a driving certificate. It read: “The customer was informed of the vehicle’s disease, and the mechanic warned them of the danger.

But the customer continued to drive and ignored the mechanic’s warnings.” When they have an accident, the mechanic will have nothing to do with this unintended incident.

.When you use the services of a trusted mechanic, you’ll have more choices than stubborn refusals. You can take your car to other repair units without any problems.

In addition, with a reliable mechanic, they will provide you with the best repair service at the best service cost. As for the unreputable mechanics, you should stay away from them. Because repair costs can be up to thousands of dollars and you will be asked to repair your car by all means.

The store tries to keep your car

If the shop tries to keep your car, you can totally sue them. Law enforcement will soon be involved to resolve the matter on your behalf. The law is clearly defined between states. The store does not have the right to keep the customer’s property without permission.


If you’re asking whether a mechanic has the right to withhold your car if it’s unsafe, here are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding the matter.

What should you not say to a mechanic?

You should not tell mechanics that:

  • “You can fix any problems you find.” This can cost you a large amount of money without bringing about radical results.
  • “I don’t know anything about cars.” At that time, an unscrupulous mechanic can create many problems for cars to increase repair costs many times.

What happens if my car can’t be fixed?

If your car cannot be repaired or repaired at a high cost, it will be a total loss. You may then receive a notification that they refuse to repair and return your vehicle.

What happens if you can’t afford to pay your mechanic?

In case you cannot pay the bill, you can ask the repair shop: “Can I pay it gradually?”. The mechanic has the right to keep your vehicle if the repair bill has not been paid.

Can a garage legally keep your car?

Your auto repair garage can keep your car if you don’t pay the total amount for the repairs beforehand.

Can a mechanic keep my car if they deem it unsafe?

Yes, a mechanic may refuse to return an unsafe car until the necessary repairs are made.

What constitutes an “unsafe” car?

There is no set definition of what constitutes an unsafe car, but generally, it refers to a vehicle that is not roadworthy due to mechanical or safety issues. This could include problems with brakes, steering, suspension, tires, or lighting.

What should I do if a mechanic refuses to return my car because they deem it unsafe?

If your mechanic refuses to return your car because it is deemed unsafe, you should ask them to explain why they believe the car is unsafe and what repairs are required to make it roadworthy. 

If you disagree with their assessment, you may wish to get a second opinion from another mechanic.

Can a mechanic charge me for repairs before returning my car?

Yes, a mechanic may require payment for repairs before returning your car, especially if the repairs were necessary to make the car roadworthy and safe.


Hopefully, the article will help you better understand the question: “Can a mechanic keep your car if it’s unsafe?”. The mechanic is entitled to keep your vehicle if you do not pay the total amount required for the repair. At the same time, you will need to sign the handover record if you drive away in an unrepaired condition.

Thanks for reading!

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