Car Won’t Start After Driving Through Water (What to do)

Is your car not starting after driving through water?

The intake system of the engine fills with water while driving in water. Water from the inlet system eventually gets into the cylinders, where pistons compress the air. On the other hand, water does not compress, and the resulting pressure inside the engine can cause piston rods to twist or the engine block to shatter. Either way, the engine is effectively ruined.

In this article, we will get into detail on possible reasons why a car may not start after driving through water, we are not car experts, but we have done our fare share of research. This article is only to educate you guys about the possible reasons of this problem,

However, always call your mechanic in case your car is not starting because personally altering something can make thing worst.

The Gears in Your Car Are Grinding:

Avoiding thunderstorms is the most excellent way to prevent harm from riding in water. It would help if you park your car inside a building. Car drivers should keep the car away from the tree areas when it’s raining because blown over can damage the car.

You should be aware that if you keep standing with your car in water in deep puddles, this can cause serious trouble to the car. Water can also cause your gears to slide, causing severe damage to your gearbox


Water exposure can deform your rotors if they look to be hot. Whenever you engage the brakes, your automobile will start to vibrate. If water enters the car engine brake lines, your car brakes can fail.

It is possible that water in the brake lines won’t show up immediately. After going through deep water, try pumping the brakes to evaporate excess moisture from the pads. 

Damage to the Interior:

Water goes into the car’s compartments, causing severe damage to the upholstery, mats, as well as any seat cushions. Water damage to those parts can lead to all types of electrical problems. Your car’s manufacturer may have placed computers in the floorboards and under the seats, and flood damage to those parts can cause all sorts of electrical troubles. The car may not show signs of flood damage straight away.

Do not start your car if floods have damaged it. Even more, you can harm by starting the engine. If your car stalls due to standing water, the best thing you can do is have it towed to an auto repair shop for a complete check. Just don’t get started. 

What to Do?

Remove and dry out the distributor cap. Moisture is most likely shorting out the spark. You can also use a spray to aid in drying the ignition system.

If nothing works, try to call a nearby mechanic or get your towed to a mechanic in worst case scenario.

Keep one thing in your mind, “Avoid driving in water at all cost”. It can cause serious damage to your car, however, if it is an emergency, there are some rules to keep in mind,

Here is a great video about 8 rules for driving in water,

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