How To Drain Windshield Washer Fluid? Steps To Follow

How to drain windshield washer fluid is a common question among car owners who want to perform basic maintenance on their vehicles. Windshield washer fluid is an essential component of any car’s cleaning system, and it is essential to keep it in good condition to ensure clear visibility while driving. 

Over time, the fluid can become contaminated or depleted, which can impair its performance and potentially damage the washer system. 

Therefore, it is crucial to know how to drain the washer fluid and replace it with fresh fluid periodically. In this article, we will discuss the steps to drain windshield washer fluid and offer some tips on how to maintain a healthy washer system for your car.

Bad Windshield Washer Pump

Bad Windshield Washer Pump

The failure of the windshield washer pump comes from many different reasons. It includes:

Nozzle clogged

The nozzle is clogged, so the windshield washer fluid cannot reach the windshield. It significantly affects users when traveling in dense road dust conditions. At this point, all you need to do is clean your nozzle. Remove all small debris with a pin or a needle, then vent the hole with compressed air.

Sometimes rain cutter windshield washer fluid still can’t reach the glass after you vent the hole. If so, disassemble the spray nozzle and soak it overnight in vinegar. This will significantly help the cleaning process.

Faucet leak

A common cause of glass washer failure is a leak in the hose. Therefore, check the hose as soon as you notice the abnormality. Signs that can help you identify hose problems arewater in windshield washer reservoir tends to run out faster.

On the other hand, repairing the hose is quite simple; you just need to remove the old one and replace it with a new one. You can do this at home.

Blow a fuse for washing machine

When the windshield wipers do not work, it may be due to a broken thread. At this point, you need to locate the fuse and replace it. Repair duties are for the experienced. Because most users have difficulty finding, instead, take your vehicle to a service center for assistance.

Pump error

When your pump has power but doesn’t work, it’s most likely damaged. This makes the process windshield washer fluid disposal happens incorrectly. To fix it, replace the pump with a new one at auto parts dealers.

Faulty switch

If the windshield wipers work, but the windshield washer fluid doesn’t, it could be due to a faulty switch. To check, you need to use a multimeter kit. This will help you determine if the button has a power failure. If not, you will need to replace the switch with a new one.

How To Drain Windshield Washer Fluid

How To Drain Windshield Washer Fluid?

In cars, there are some liquids you can get rid of, but others can’t. For example, lacquer thinner reacts with gasoline in the tank; you cannot remove or separate these 2 mixtures. But with windshield washers, it’s different, and you can get out of the car with just 10 steps below:

Step 1: Open The Hood

Before draining the windshield cleaner, remove the tank from the car. Open the hood and look for the hood handle position. Then, pull it up and set it aside.

Step 2: Locate The Washer Fluid Reservoir

Open the front bonnet and look for the location of the detergent tank. Usually, the water tank will be located on the last left of the car. With cars like Honda Civics, you can search for glass cleaner container easily. However, if you can’t find it, try looking in front of the vehicle to see if the tank is there.

Step 3: Find The Washer Fluid Reservoir Cap

In this step, try to find the location of the water tank. A hose always plugs directly into the liquid system attached to the tank.

Step 4: Unscrew Washer Fluid Cap

The liquid tank will have a silver screw at the top. It helps to connect the duct to the pump motor compartment. The top of the valve will affect the flow of the windshield fluid. You can use a wrench or a pair of pliers to remove it.

Step 5: Remove Fluid Reservoir

After disassembling the glass cleaner reservoir, remove all the liquid to another container. This will help you reuse, save significantly on investment costs for windshield washer fluid.

Step 6: Drain The Reservoir And Reconnect the Hose

Once you’ve cleaned the tank, reconnect it to your car’s fluid system. At this step, you must replace the stopper if you previously removed it.

Step 7: Refill Washer Fluid Reservoir

After installing and connecting the hose to the tank, fill the tank with glass cleaner solution. Mix 50% water and concentrated cleaning solution before pouring it into the container.

Step 8: Check The System

Before closing the hood, you will need to double-check the entire liquid reservoir, make sure everything is in the correct position. To test, turn on the wipers, start the car and turn the wipers to the fastest setting. The wiper system operates normally when the wipers operate without any streaks in front of the glass.

Step 9: Close Up Hood and Clean Up

In this step, close the hood of your car. At the same time, you use a clean rag to clean all the solution poured on the vehicle.

Step 10: Get rid of the Drained Washer Fluid

You must not spill glass cleaner indiscriminately. Instead, take it to automotive waste disposal facilities. Part of the old glass cleaner can be recycled, and this process is entirely free.

Some Suggestions And Tips 

Deicing windshield fluid will be dangerous if you come into direct contact with this solution. Therefore, you need to be careful when draining the glass cleaner.

The composition of this type of solution includes chemicals such as acetone and the like. Therefore, you should only carry out the work of flushing glass cleaner in a well-ventilated place, away from areas with high risk of fire and explosion.

Also, use the rubber hose to suck up the liquid if the windshield washer hose works appropriately. You can use the method of plugging one end of the tube into the inside of the barrel, the other end into another to make it easier to get the liquid.

Check the exact location of the windshield washer fluid reservoir. After replacing the tank, pour the solution back inside before driving. If you feel unsafe when you do not know how to remove all the detergent, you should bring your car to an auto parts store for assistance.

An important note when using windshield cleaner is to avoid pouring this solution indiscriminately. Instead, handle it intelligently to ensure safety for the environment.

Why And When Should Be Windshield Washer Fluid Drained?

When you hear the pump running but the drain is not flowing, chances are the windshield is clogged. In this case, you need to use a needle or pin to remove small particles, clear the solution tube.


To do this, lift the hood and check the tank hose. At this point, you will see a plastic or barbed wire connector, disconnect the pipe and start the pump. When the liquid sprays out, it means the nozzle is plugged in. You can use a small needle to make the dirt inside the tube come out.

Can I Mix Windshield Washer Fluid? 

Using alcohol and laundry detergent will help you remove the frozen snow in the winter. To do this, you should make this mixture and use it for the windshield, and it will help defrost effectively without spending too much. Specifically:

  • Step 1: Mix the alcohol and water mixture. Use 1 gallon of distilled water mixed with 8 oz of rubbing alcohol.
  • Step 2: Use castile soap inside the mixture. The use of this soap will help you protect the car’s paintwork.
  • Step 3: In areas with low temperatures, you can increase the amount of alcohol to prevent the liquid from freezing.
  • Step 4: Pour the liquid mixture inside the jar. You can use a clean cloth soaked in the above mix to test the effectiveness of cleaning the glass.


Does windshield washer fluid evaporate quickly?

It depends on the ambient pressure, humidity and temperature. In glass cleaner, there are methanol and ethylene glyco compounds, so it can evaporate twice as fast as water.

Is wiper fluid just water?

Products made from methanol and some other alcohols are effective anti-dynamics. It helps keep your liquid from freezing in cold winters.

What happens if you put too much washer fluid?

Nothing will happen. However, if you add to the system, it will not be good. Detergents are compounds that are half alcohol. Therefore, it can clean well and stop freezing.


This article will help you understand how to drain windshield washer fluid. This job can be done from home and only requires a little experience. The windshield washer fluid contains acetone – an explosive compound. Therefore, you must carry out detergent flushing in well-ventilated areas, avoiding areas with high risk of fire and explosion.

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